Litšoantšo tse Khahlehang tsa Rabbit tse nang le Libaskete tsa Lehe la Paseka tse entsoeng ka letsoho tsa Cute Bunny Home Decors

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Ntlafatsa mekete ea Paseka ka pokello ea rona ea liemahale tsa mebutlanyana, se seng le se seng se nkile seroto se nang le mahe a mebala-bala. "Stone Gray Bunny e nang le Easter Basket" e na le khahleho ea rustic, "Rabbit Pink Pink with Egg Basket" e eketsa ho phatloha ha 'mala o bonolo,' me "Classic White Bunny e nang le mahe a selemo" e tlisa thabo e tloaelehileng ea matsatsi a phomolo. Li eme sebakeng se khahlehang sa 25 x 20.5 x 51 cm, li-bunnies tsena li nepahetse bakeng sa pontšo ea mekete kapa e le mokhabiso o monate nakong eohle ea selemo.

  • Ntho ea mofani oa thepa No.EL23063ABC
  • Litekanyo (LxWxH)25x20.5x51cm
  • MmalaMebala e Mengata
  • Lintho tse bonahalangResin / Clay Fiber
  • Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

    Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa


    Ntho ea mofani oa thepa No. EL23063ABC
    Litekanyo (LxWxH) 25x20.5x51cm
    Mmala Mebala e Mengata
    Lintho tse bonahalang Fiber Clay / Resin
    Tšebeliso Lehae le Serapa, Matsatsi a Phomolo, Paseka, Selemo
    Export brown Box Size 42x26x52cm
    Boima ba Lebokose 7kgs
    Delivery Port XIAMEN, CHINA
    Nako ea ho etella pele ea tlhahiso 50 matsatsi.



    Ha Easter e le haufi, ha ho na letšoao le tšoarellang ho feta mmutla, hangata o fumanoang o tlōla-tlōla, o jere mahe a bolelang bophelo bo bocha le tšepo ea hore nako e tla. Pokello ea rona ea liemahale tsa meutlanyana, e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe e na le baskete ea eona ea mahe a Paseka, ke sethabathaba se khahlehang nakong ena ea mekete.

    Taba ea pele, re na le "Stone Gray Bunny e nang le Easter Basket," setšoantšo se nkang moelelo oa naha e khutsitseng. Qetello ea eona e boputsoa ba lejoe e re hopotsa mafube a monate, a tlisang khutso ea tlhaho mokhabisong oa hau oa Paseka.

    Bakeng sa leseli le mofuthu le mofuthu, "Rabbit e Pinki e Blush e nang le Egg Basket" ke khetho e phethahetseng. 'Mala oa eona o pinki o bonolo o tšoana le oa palesa ea cherry e thunyang, e tlatsanang hantle le botala bo khanyang ba selemo le mebala e pastel ea Easter.

    Litšoantšo tse Khahlehang tsa Mmutla tse nang le Libaskete tsa Lehe la Paseka tse entsoeng ka letsoho tsa Cute Bunny Home Decors (1)

    "Classic White Bunny e nang le mahe a selemo" ke ho lumellana le setso. Bosoeu bo bosoeu bo bosoeu ba setšoantšo sena sa mmutla se etsa hore e be sekhechana se feto-fetohang se khonang ho lekana le sehlooho sefe kapa sefe sa mokhabiso, se hlahelletseng har'a mefuta e mengata ea mebala e monate ea Paseka.

    E 'ngoe le e 'ngoe ea liemahale tsena e boholo ba 25 x 20.5 x 51 centimeters, e loketseng ho theha moea o monate le oa mekete ka tlung ea hau. Ho sa tsotellehe hore na e behiloe holim'a seaparo sa matsoho, se lutseng har'a lipalesa serapeng sa hau, kapa se sebetsa e le setsi se ka sehloohong tafoleng ea hau ea Paseka, li-bunnies tsena li tla ba monate le ho thaba.

    Ka ntle ho boleng ba tsona bo botle, liemahale tsena tsa meutlanyana ke setšoantšo sa litekanyetso tse ratoang ka ho fetisisa tsa Easter. Li akarelletsa thabo, sechaba, le moea oa ho fana o hlalosang matsatsi a phomolo. Ka libaskete tse tletseng mahe, ke manģosa a nala le nchafatso e tlisoang ke selemo.

    E entsoe ka thepa e tšoarellang nako e telele, liemahale tsena li etselitsoe ho tšoarella nako e telele. E ka fetoha majalefa a tlisang thabo meketeng ea hau ea Paseka ka lilemo tse ngata tse tlang, selemo se seng le se seng se tsosolosa mofuthu le thabo ea nako ea selemo.

    Ha u ntse u bokana le ba lelapa le metsoalle Paseka ena, lumella "Litšoantšo tsa 'Mutla tse nang le Libaskete tsa Mahe a Paseka" e be karolo ea mokete oa hau. Ha se mekhabiso feela; ke bajari ba thabo, litšoantšetso tsa nako ea selemo, le lipolokelo tse ratehang tse tla ba le sebaka se khethehileng lapeng le pelong ea hau. Ikopanye le rona ho tseba hore na u ka tlisa mebutlanyana ena e metle moetlong oa hau oa Paseka joang.

    Litšoantšo tse Khahlehang tsa Mmutla tse nang le Libaskete tsa Lehe la Paseka tse entsoeng ka letsoho tsa Cute Bunny Home Decors (4)
    Litšoantšo tse Khahlehang tsa Mmutla tse nang le Libaskete tsa Lehe la Paseka tse entsoeng ka letsoho tsa Cute Bunny Home Decors (3)
    Litšoantšo tse Khahlehang tsa Mmutla tse nang le Libaskete tsa Lehe la Paseka tse entsoeng ka letsoho tsa Cute Bunny Home Decors (2)

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Lihlahisoa tse Amanang


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