Rabbit Lantern Duos Litšoantšo tsa Paseka Mebutla e Monate Matsatsi a Phomolo a Paseka Kantle le Mekhabiso e ka Hare

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Khabisa mokete oa Paseka ka liemahale tsa rona tse khahlehang tsa meutlanyana, se seng le se seng se na le mmutla o tšoereng mabone o tsamaeang le bunny e nyane. "Luminous White Bunny Lantern Lantern Duo" e bosoeu bo bonolo, "Stone Gray Rabbit Pair with Lantern" e nang le qetello ea tlhaho, le "Verdant Lightbearer Rabbit Duo" ka botala bo motšo, kaofela li boholo ba 27 x 24 x 48 cm. Liemahale tsena li nepahetse bakeng sa ho fana ka maikutlo a monate mokhabisong oa hau oa phomolo ha li ntse li fana ka khanya e bonolo mantsiboea a futhumetseng a selemo.

  • Ntho ea mofani oa thepa No.EL23061ABC
  • Litekanyo (LxWxH)27x24x48cm
  • MmalaMebala e Mengata
  • Lintho tse bonahalangResin / Clay Fiber
  • Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

    Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa


    Ntho ea mofani oa thepa No. EL23061ABC
    Litekanyo (LxWxH) 27x24x48cm
    Mmala Mebala e Mengata
    Lintho tse bonahalang Fiber Clay / Resin
    Tšebeliso Lehae le Serapa, Matsatsi a Phomolo, Paseka, Selemo
    Export brown Box Size 43x33x53cm
    Boima ba Lebokose 9kgs
    Delivery Port XIAMEN, CHINA
    Nako ea ho etella pele ea tlhahiso 50 matsatsi.



    Ha nako e ntse e fetoha 'me matsatsi a ntse a hōla, ho khanya ho hlollang ha shoalane ho hloka mofuta o khethehileng oa boselamose o fumanoang feela nakong ea selemo. Pokello ea rona ea li-rabbit lantern duos ke karabo e qabolang pitsong ena, e kopanyang moea oa papali oa Paseka le botle bo sebetsang ba mabone a bonolo.

    Re hlahisa "Luminous White Bunny Lantern Duo," seemahale se hapang botle bo hloekileng ba nako ea selemo ka bosoeu ba sona bo benyang tlas'a leholimo la mantsiboea. Sengoathoana sena se nepahetse bakeng sa ba natefeloang ke mekhabiso ea khale ea Paseka mme ba lakatsa ho eketsa khanya e khutsitseng lapeng kapa jareteng ea bona.

    Bakeng sa ho ama bokhabane ba tlhaho, seemahale sa "Stone Gray Rabbit Pair with Lantern" ha se bapisoe. Qetello e bohlooho e entsoeng e etsisa ponahalo ea majoe a tlhaho, e etsa hore e be e phethahetseng

    Rabbit Lantern Duos Litšoantšo tsa Paseka Mebutla e Ntle Matsatsing a Phomolo a Easter Kantle le Mekhabiso e ka Hare (1)

    ho phaella sebakeng leha e le sefe sa serapa, ho kopanya ka mokhoa o tsitsitseng le tikoloho ea ka ntle ha u ntse u fana ka leseli le tataisang bakeng sa ho ithabisa mantsiboea.

    E kenyelletsa mebala e khanyang mokhabisong oa hau, "Verdant Lightbearer Rabbit Duo" e hlahella ka botala ba eona bo monate. Seemahale sena ha se feela ho thoholetsa bocha ba sehla empa hape ke memo ea ho eketsa monate le monate meketeng ea hau ea Paseka.

    Seemahale se seng le se seng, se boholo ba 27 x 24 x 48 centimeters, se etselitsoe ho ba tšobotsi e hapang maikutlo sebakeng sefe kapa sefe. Ebang ke ho khantša tsela ea jarete, ho phahamisa mathule, kapa ho eketsa sebaka sa kamore ea ho phomola, li-duos tsena tsa rabbit lantern li fapane ebile lia khahleha.

    Liemahale tse entsoeng ka thepa ea boleng bo holimo, li tšoarella nako e telele 'me li etselitsoe ho mamella maemo a leholimo, ho etsa bonnete ba hore e ka ba karolo ea meetlo ea hau ea selemo bakeng sa lilemo tse tlang. Mabone ao ba a tšoereng a ka amohela likerese kapa mabone a LED, a hlahisa khanya e mofuthu le e khahlehang e ntlafatsang botle ba tlhaho ba mantsiboea.

    Li-duo tsena tsa lebone la meutlanyana ha li na mekhabiso feela; ke sesupo sa thabo le leseli tse tlisoang ke Paseka. Li re hopotsa mohlolo oa nako ea selemo le ho hloka molato ho bapalang hoo e leng khubu ea mekete eohle ea selemo.

    Amohela li-duo tsena tsa meutlanyana tse bonesitsoeng mokhabisong oa Paseka oa hau selemong sena 'me u lumelle leseli la tsona hore e be lebone la thabo le tšepo. Ikopanye le rona ho ithuta haholoanyane mabapi le hore na liemahale tsena tse khahlehang li ka khantša ntlo ea hau le serapa joang ka moea oa selemo.

    Rabbit Lantern Duos Litšoantšo tsa Paseka Mebutla e Ntle Matsatsing a Phomolo a Easter Kantle le Mekhabiso e ka Hare (4)
    Rabbit Lantern Duos Litšoantšo tsa Paseka Mebutla e Ntle Matsatsing a Phomolo a Easter Kantle le Mekhabiso e ka Hare (3)
    Rabbit Lantern Duos Litšoantšo tsa Paseka Mebutla e Ntle Matsatsing a Phomolo a Paseka Kantle le Mekhabiso e ka Hare (2)

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Lihlahisoa tse Amanang


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