Whimsical Angels and Cherubis Collection Boy Seemahale Fiber Clay Liemahale tsa Lehae le Serapa

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Pokello ena e ntle e na le liemahale tsa likerubime tsa whimsical, e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e bonts'a ponahalo ea papali le e khahlehang. E entsoe ka tlhokomelo ea lintlha, liemahale tsena li fapana ka boholo ho tloha ho 18×16.5x33cm ho isa ho 29x19x40.5cm, e leng se etsang hore e be tse loketseng bakeng sa ho eketsa thabo le botho ba lirapa, mapatlelo kapa libaka tse ka hare. E entsoe ka thepa e tšoarellang nako e telele, likerubime tsena li tlisa boikutlo ba ho ba bobebe le boselamose sebakeng leha e le sefe.

  • Ntho ea mofani oa thepa No.ELZ24104/ELZ24105/ELZ24106/ELZ24107/ELZ24108/ELZ24109/ELZ24110
  • Litekanyo (LxWxH)29x19x40.5cm/25.5x20.5x41cm/25.5x21x34.5cm/28x23x35cm/26.5x17.5x33cm/18x16.5x33cm/22x18.5x27cm/22x18.5x27cm
  • MmalaMebala e Mengata
  • Lintho tse bonahalangLetsopa la Fiber
  • Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

    Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa


    Ntho ea mofani oa thepa No. ELZ24104/ELZ24105/ELZ24106/


    Litekanyo (LxWxH) 29x19x40.5cm/25.5x20.5x41cm/25.5x21x34.5cm/


    Mmala Mebala e Mengata
    Lintho tse bonahalang Letsopa la Fiber
    Tšebeliso Lehae le Serapa, Ka hare le Ka ntle
    Export brown Box Size 31x44x42.5cm
    Boima ba Lebokose 7kgs
    Delivery Port XIAMEN, CHINA
    Nako ea ho etella pele ea tlhahiso 50 matsatsi.



    Fetolela serapa kapa lehae la hau sebaka sa thabo le monyaka ka liemahale tsena tsa likerubime tse khahlang. Seemahale se seng le se seng ke mokete oa ho bapala ka ho hloka molato, se hapang moea o monate oa likerubime ka libopeho tse fapaneng tse khahlehang. E phethehile bakeng sa ba ananelang karolo e bobebe ea bophelo, liemahale tsena li etselitsoe ho tlisa pososelo le ho ama boselamose sebakeng leha e le sefe.

    Lipolelo tsa ho Bapala le ho Thaba

    Seemahale se seng le se seng sa kerubime se pokellong ena se entsoe ka boqhetseke ho hlahisa ponahatso le ponahalo e ikhethang, ho tloha ho ho nahanoa ka mokhoa o nahanang ho isa ho litšeho tsa thabo. Liemahale tsena, tse nang le boholo bo tlohang ho 18x16.5x33cm ho isa ho 29x19x40.5cm, li loketse litlhophiso tsa kahare le kantle, li li etsa litlatsetso tse fapaneng mokhabisong oa hau.

    Liemahale tsa Whimsical Angels le Cherubime Boy Seemahale sa Fiber Clay bakeng sa Lehae le Serapa (19)

    Boqapi bo qaqileng ba Boipiletso bo sa Feleng

    Lintlha tse rarahaneng tsa kerubime e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe, ho tloha moriring oa tsona o harelaneng ho ea lifahlehong tse hlakileng le menoana e menyenyane ea maoto, li bontša boqapi bo ikhethang. E entsoe ka thepa ea boleng bo holimo, e tšoarellang, liemahale tsena li hahiloe ho mamella maemo a leholimo, ho etsa bonnete ba hore li lula e le karolo e ratoang ea serapa sa hau kapa mekhabiso ea lapeng ka lilemo tse tlang.

    Ho Tlisa Khahleho ea Pelo e Khanyang Serapeng sa Hao

    E behiloe har'a lipalesa kapa haufi le seliba se phallang, likerubime tsena li etsa hore serapa leha e le sefe se be monate. Boteng ba bona ba ho bapala bo ka fetola serapa se bonolo hore e be sebaka sa boselamose, se memela baeti ho khefutsa le ho thabela moea o khutsitseng le o thabileng.

    E nepahetse bakeng sa Libaka tsa Ka hare

    Liemahale tsena tsa likerubime hase tsa serapa feela. Ba etsa litlatsetso tse ntle libakeng tsa ka tlung, ebang ke tse lutseng holim'a mantel, tse lutseng ka har'a lishelefo tsa libuka, kapa ho khabisa tafole e ka thōko. Lipolelo tsa bona tse khahlehang le ponahalo li tlisa maikutlo a bonolo le mofuthu lapeng la hau.

    Mpho e Nahannoang le e Ikhethang

    Liemahale tsa likerubime li etsa limpho tse babatsehang bakeng sa metsoalle le ba lelapa. Lipolelo tsa bona tse monate le meralo e makatsang e tla tlisa pososelo sefahlehong sa mang kapa mang, e ba etse hore e be ba phethahetseng bakeng sa liketsahalo tse khethehileng joalo ka matsatsi a tsoalo, ho futhumatsa ntlo, kapa hobane feela.

    Ho Khothatsa Sepakapaka se Thabileng

    Ho kenyelletsa liemahale tsena tsa likerubime mokhabisong oa hau ke mokhoa o motle oa ho khothaletsa moea oa thabo le kamohelo. Boteng ba bona bo sebetsa e le khopotso e bonolo ea ho amohela karolo e bapalang ea bophelo le ho thabela linako tsa letsatsi le letsatsi.

    Memela likerubime tsena tse monate serapeng sa hau kapa lehaeng la hau 'me u lumelle botle ba tsona bo monate ho khantša sebaka sa hau. Ka ponahalo ea bona ea papali le lipolelo tse ratehang, ehlile e tla ba likarolo tsa bohlokoa tsa mokhabiso oa hau, ba phatlalatse thabo le boloi kae kapa kae moo ba behiloeng teng.

    Liemahale tsa Whimsical Angels le Likerubime Boy Seemahale sa Fiber Clay seemahale sa Lehae le Serapa (16)
    Liemahale tsa Whimsical Angels and Cherubime Boy Seemahale sa Fiber Clay bakeng sa Lehae le Serapa (4)
    Liemahale tsa Whimsical Angels and Cherubime Boy Seemahale sa Fiber Clay bakeng sa Lehae le Serapa (1)
    Liemahale tsa Whimsical Angels le Likerubime Boy Seemahale sa Fiber Clay seemahale sa Lehae le Serapa (7)
    Liemahale tsa Whimsical Angels le Likerubime Boy Seemahale sa Fiber Clay seemahale sa Lehae le Serapa (10)
    Liemahale tsa Whimsical Angels le Likerubime Boy Seemahale sa Fiber Clay seemahale sa Lehae le Serapa (13)

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Lihlahisoa tse Amanang


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